Things You DO NOT Need for a Baby

I am happy to say that everyone in my little family is alive and surprisingly pretty happy. My husband and I so far have been successful parents, so I can do this whole motherhood thing. We’ve made it 7 months!  Now that we have made it this far I have come to realize that a lot of the items on the lists provided by stores and professional bloggers are entirely unnecessary. My pregnant self was convinced that we were going to suffer because we were lacking a lot of these products, but boy was I wrong (and for once my husband was totally right but he will never know this).

Here it is the list of things that you can cross off those lists. Ignore these products and put your money elsewhere. I promise your wallet (and probably your husband will thank you for it).

Wipe Warmers: Your baby will hate diaper changes either way. Maybe not at first but I promise at some put it will turn into an amateur wrestling match and a warm wipe on their hiney will make no difference.

Mirror for Your Car: Picture it your baby is screaming, and you can see that their pacifier is no longer in their mouth. Now remember that you are operating a moving vehicle and you have to ability to safely replace the pacifier. Knowing why the baby is crying or not knowing makes no difference while driving because you are still unable to fix the problem.

Bouncer and Swing: These things are pricey and take up a good amount of space. I would say just pick one. We went with a bouncer and my daughter still loves it. I have friends who swear by a swing, but really you don’t need both. Either way I promise your baby will sleep again and the goal is to get them to fall asleep on their on anyways.

Bottle Sterilizer: A pot of boiling water worked wonderfully for us and I was so happy to not have anything extra on our counter top because dirty dishes, bottles, pumping accessories, and god knows what else was enough!

Bottle Warmer: See above explanation.

White Noise Machine: This one can go either way. Some moms absolutely swear by these but I never missed it. I tried a free app on my phone and it didn’t seem to help much, but there you go there are free apps. I wouldn’t buy one until you’ve tried the app and know for sure that it makes a difference for your little one.

Here’s Proof that my little one is happy 7 months later without these items:

What items have you found to be totally useless despite being convinced you needed it before? What has been a complete life saver?

Love Always,


Tell me what you think!