Fashion Friday: Student Teaching Round-Up

Well all I survived my first week student teaching (granted this was the week before students start so wish me luck next week). Overall I have to admit that I do not know how I ever survived without Old Navy pants in my life! They are literally my new best friend and the comfiest, stretchi-est professional pant. Plus they have the greatest patterns!

Here is a round up of this past week’s looks (I am only required to be there 3 days per week which is why there are only 3 looks).


My biggest goal for getting dressed was to look professional, but I also want to always portray my personality through my clothes. As a student teacher, in all honestly, besides wanting to learn everything I possibly can, I want a job at the end of this process. Dressing with personality is just another way for me to be memorable. Plus, I always feel the most confident when I feel good in what I’m wearing.

Let me know what you lovelies think, and have a wonderful weekend!

Love Always,


Letting Go

Hi my name is Sam, and I’m a bit (okay a lot) of a control freak.

In unison, “Hi Sam!”

As some of you may know I recently started my student teaching program, so I am now out of the house all day during the week. This means that I am also away from daughter all day for the first time (see here for how I feel about that part). My daughter isn’t being taken care of exactly the same way that I would (Well, hello Sam they aren’t you). She plays a little differently, she has naps at different times, and well everything is just a little different because its not me with her. In reality I’m pretty okay with this because I understand that she is happy, clean, and fed; which in the big scheme of things is all that really matters. There are times, however, that I literally want to lose my mind a little.

I will admit to you all that I like things done the way I like them done.

I know that this is slightly childish and rather annoying for people around me, but I just can’t help myself. Now when it comes to my daughter I’m even worse!

I’m learning (slowly, very slowly) how to let go and enjoy the way other people function and complete tasks. I’m not super woman and I simply can’t do everything myself, but honestly sometimes I wish I could. Help, therefore, is a bit of a necessity these days.

I want to smile and laugh with my little girl when I am home. I don’t want to be stressed and frustrated because somethings a little different. So I’m working on that…

I’m working on ignoring the little things to focus on the big ones.

I’m realizing what really matters.

I’m learning to accept help.

What do you all do to let go of control so that others can help you? And how do you know which “battles” are worth fighting?

Until Next Time Lovelies,


How to Avoid Looking Frumpy in Skirts

Today I have teamed up with two other fabulous bloggers to bring you some tips and tricks to styling skirts! Check out the lovely Corina’s post and all of her maternity  dos and don’ts here:

Corina at Now That I Can Do

We all know that it is incredibly easy to look frumpy and well “blah” in a skirt, especially as moms. Skirts, however, should make you feel pretty and girly. Here are my favorite 3 styling methods to avoid the most common missteps when wearing a skirt.

The High Waist-ed Skirt:


A lot of times women have a “problem area” right in their midsection, so to avoid attracting attention to it I often see shirts worn over a high waist-ed skirt. This actually just makes you look wider, as well as a little frumpy and dumpy (I say this out of love, of course). By doing this I promise you are actually drawing even more attention to that area you’re trying to hide.



Tuck the shirt in! That’s it. You will instantly have a smaller waist and will look like a professional fashion blogger. A little trick I use to keep my shirts tucked in is to wear some spandex or tight little shorts underneath my skirt which I tuck my shirt into; this way my shirt isn’t constantly coming up.


The Maxi Skirt:


Alright that this is super comfortable and therefore very tempting but don’t wear an over-sized cardigan with a maxi skirt. It is not flattering on even the tallest and thinnest supermodel. It’s just too much flow for one outfit. You know what I mean?



Instead wear a jacket or sweater that hits right at the top of your waist. A flowing skirt needs some structure in the jacket. This will be much more slimming and I promise equally as comfortable.


The Fitted Skirt:


I totally realize that the fitted, stretchy skirt can be intimidating after having a baby (nothing ever looks the same), but they can be super cute and incredibly comfy. Wearing them with a loose, long top is not the way to pull them off, however. This makes anyone look awkwardly top-heavy. We have enough insecurities with our bodies after having kids, so I like to avoid making them worse by what I wear.



Take that loose, long, and ever so comfortable shirt and simply front-tuck it. Problem solved! It’s still a little blouse-y, you don’t have skin-tight clothes on from head to toe, but its super flattering!


Now that you’ve read through my styling tips, head on over to this fabulous blog to get even more!

Now That I Can Do

What are some of your favorite ways to style a skirt?

Love Always,


Fashion Link Up: Favorite Accessories

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Hey Lovelies today I partnered up with Elle from Living in Color and Jacqueline from Stylin’ In St Louis for their #SpotlightWeekly. I’m styling my favorite accessory a statement necklace. If you follow me on Instagram then you already know I love a great necklace! It completes any outfit no matter how simple.  Read the guidelines below then head on over to their blogs to add a link to a blog post about your favorite accessory. DSC_0758DSC_0759 (3)DSC_0763 (2)

Link-Up Guidelines:

We kindly ask that you follow the two hosts: Elle from Living in Color on Bloglovin’, Jacqueline from Stylin’ In St Louis via Bloglovin’ , and our guest host (that’s me).

Use the button provided on Larissa or Jacqueline’s side bar or link back to the link-up on your blog. (Feel free to leave your links here as well in the comments section.)

Enjoy reading other blogs and make new blogger friends!

Love Always,