Letting Go

Hi my name is Sam, and I’m a bit (okay a lot) of a control freak.

In unison, “Hi Sam!”

As some of you may know I recently started my student teaching program, so I am now out of the house all day during the week. This means that I am also away from daughter all day for the first time (see here for how I feel about that part). My daughter isn’t being taken care of exactly the same way that I would (Well, hello Sam they aren’t you). She plays a little differently, she has naps at different times, and well everything is just a little different because its not me with her. In reality I’m pretty okay with this because I understand that she is happy, clean, and fed; which in the big scheme of things is all that really matters. There are times, however, that I literally want to lose my mind a little.

I will admit to you all that I like things done the way I like them done.

I know that this is slightly childish and rather annoying for people around me, but I just can’t help myself. Now when it comes to my daughter I’m even worse!

I’m learning (slowly, very slowly) how to let go and enjoy the way other people function and complete tasks. I’m not super woman and I simply can’t do everything myself, but honestly sometimes I wish I could. Help, therefore, is a bit of a necessity these days.

I want to smile and laugh with my little girl when I am home. I don’t want to be stressed and frustrated because somethings a little different. So I’m working on that…

I’m working on ignoring the little things to focus on the big ones.

I’m realizing what really matters.

I’m learning to accept help.

What do you all do to let go of control so that others can help you? And how do you know which “battles” are worth fighting?

Until Next Time Lovelies,
