Who Else is Ready for Fall?

Don’t get me wrong I do love summer with warm weather comes a lot of fun adventures. We’ve enjoyed the beach, swimming at the lake, and splash pads, but you guys I’m OVER the heat. Let’s be real I’m really over having to shave every. single. day. I mean come on where did the pants weather go?

So to get me (and hopefully all of you) in the mood for my favorite time of year here’s a round up of my favorite fall outfits from my Instagram page.


Here’s to hoping Fall will arrive soon! Happy Fashion Friday Lovelies!

Fashion Friday: Instagram Round-Up

I realize that is now the 8th of July, but the weather here has been anything but summer-like so my Instagram round-up is going to be for June.

Below are a collection of my favorite looks for the month. I hope that you can use them as inspiration for your upcoming outfit planning!


What are some of your favorite summer trends?

Love Always,


Charlotte’s 3 Month Update

My little girl is officially no longer a newborn! (Insert mom crying) These past three months have flown by and I cannot believe how much she has already changed and grown. Her hysterical little personality is starting to really surface and it is so fun to find out who she is as a little person. Oh man, though she most definitely got her momma’s sass, that is already evident. Keep me in your prayers for when I have a toddler.

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A few of Charlotte’s Favorite Things:

  • Screaming to hear her own voice while playing
  • Giggling at mommy’s silly faces
  • Bath time and floating in the bath
  • Kicking her legs like a future soccer star
  • Practicing her standing (and making mom and dad’s arms feel like they are going to fall off from constantly doing this)
  • Getting her belly tickled and fart kisses on her nakey belly
  • Eating her milk, duh
  • Staring at her daddy in awe and wonder (and confusion as to what his beard is)


This month has been a pretty awesome month, I have to admit. She slept through the night about half of the time, so needless to say that’s been amazing. Seriously who would have thought that 7 hours of sleep would feel like a vacation! She is an early riser, though, like 5 am early. I’ve learned that the better she naps during the day, the better she sleeps at night (that was a learning curve, let me tell you). She’s reaching up and trying to hold her bottle, and she has found her hands, ladies and gentlemen! Oh my goodness does that girl suck on her hands and fingers. She is a drooling machine because of it, too.

We’re excited for this next month because my birthday is in April! More importantly we are going to the zoo for the first time with her as my present and I’m beyond excited. (Fair warning if you follow me on instagram I will be blowing up my feed that day, April 23rd.) She is so close to rolling over so I will be on pins and needles  waiting for that happen! All the new things that this next will bring has me so excited.

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What are your favorite memories of your little ones as newborns? If you’re expecting your first, what early milestones are you the most excited for?

Love Always,
