But Your Baby Doesn’t Even Understand Yet.

My daughter is 5 months old. She giggles, smiles, rolls over, and kicks her legs like crazy but she still doesn’t have much understanding of the world around her. Often times I hear from friends and family “Why are you … Continue reading

What am I Even Doing?

I thought by now that I would have the hang of this whole motherhood thing. 5 months I shouldn’t be winging it on a regular basis, or so I thought. Man I was SO wrong! You guys pretty much everyday … Continue reading

Charlotte’s 3 Month Update

My little girl is officially no longer a newborn! (Insert mom crying) These past three months have flown by and I cannot believe how much she has already changed and grown. Her hysterical little personality is starting to really surface and it is so fun to find out who she is as a little person. Oh man, though she most definitely got her momma’s sass, that is already evident. Keep me in your prayers for when I have a toddler.

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A few of Charlotte’s Favorite Things:

  • Screaming to hear her own voice while playing
  • Giggling at mommy’s silly faces
  • Bath time and floating in the bath
  • Kicking her legs like a future soccer star
  • Practicing her standing (and making mom and dad’s arms feel like they are going to fall off from constantly doing this)
  • Getting her belly tickled and fart kisses on her nakey belly
  • Eating her milk, duh
  • Staring at her daddy in awe and wonder (and confusion as to what his beard is)


This month has been a pretty awesome month, I have to admit. She slept through the night about half of the time, so needless to say that’s been amazing. Seriously who would have thought that 7 hours of sleep would feel like a vacation! She is an early riser, though, like 5 am early. I’ve learned that the better she naps during the day, the better she sleeps at night (that was a learning curve, let me tell you). She’s reaching up and trying to hold her bottle, and she has found her hands, ladies and gentlemen! Oh my goodness does that girl suck on her hands and fingers. She is a drooling machine because of it, too.

We’re excited for this next month because my birthday is in April! More importantly we are going to the zoo for the first time with her as my present and I’m beyond excited. (Fair warning if you follow me on instagram I will be blowing up my feed that day, April 23rd.) She is so close to rolling over so I will be on pins and needles  waiting for that happen! All the new things that this next will bring has me so excited.

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What are your favorite memories of your little ones as newborns? If you’re expecting your first, what early milestones are you the most excited for?

Love Always,


Charlotte’s Two Month Update

I cannot believe that my little peanut is already two months old!! She is growing so fast and learning new things everyday. 
Let’s start with the horrible two month check up. I say horrible because oh my goodness three shots in one appointment is rough on both of us. I know these are so beneficial and important but I hate seeing her get so upset. Plus I have always been a little extra sensitive to vaccines than most so I usually don’t feel great for a day or two after, and it looks like my little Charlotte has that same trait. We have had a lot of snuggle time over the last day and a half. 

Besides the doctors appointment, this second month has been a lot of fun! She is making all sorts of new noises with a lot of cooing and still those zombie like grunts constantly. She smiles so much these days, but her daddy gets the smiles way more than momma. (Um kid I’m the one feeding you and changing all those dirty diapers so can I get a smile too?) Oh dads have it good at this age, don’t they? She loves to practice standing with mommy or daddy supporting her, and a lot of the time now it is the only way to get her to stop crying (needless to say my arms are killing me!) She likes to swing her arms at her toys and her favorites are the ones that jingle when they swing. Tummy time is no longer very fun for her because she tends to get frustrated that she can’t move her head around easily but we are getting closer and closer to rolling over each time. We are eating anywhere from 4 to 6 ounces of milk each feeding and mommy is struggling to keep up with the little piggie these days. 

I can’t wait to see what the next month brings us and it’s crazy to think that in just two short months she has grown and changed so much! She’s my smart little girl who definitely has her mothers sass and her daddy’s stubbornness! 

Love Always, 
