We Survived Camping with a Baby 

Call us crazy but this past weekend we took our almost 7 month old, dog and ourselves camping with another family (who have 3 kids themselves). We were 12 miles from the closest town, with no cell service, and a … Continue reading

Shopping with Pink Blush & a GIVEAWAY!

I was given this dress from PinkBlush in return for a post, however everything stated is entirely my own opinion. #sponsored I’m looking at this as a sort of PSA for all you Mommas. If you have not already shopped … Continue reading

How to Avoid Looking Frumpy in Skirts

Today I have teamed up with two other fabulous bloggers to bring you some tips and tricks to styling skirts! Check out the lovely Corina’s post and all of her maternity  dos and don’ts here:

Corina at Now That I Can Do

We all know that it is incredibly easy to look frumpy and well “blah” in a skirt, especially as moms. Skirts, however, should make you feel pretty and girly. Here are my favorite 3 styling methods to avoid the most common missteps when wearing a skirt.

The High Waist-ed Skirt:


A lot of times women have a “problem area” right in their midsection, so to avoid attracting attention to it I often see shirts worn over a high waist-ed skirt. This actually just makes you look wider, as well as a little frumpy and dumpy (I say this out of love, of course). By doing this I promise you are actually drawing even more attention to that area you’re trying to hide.



Tuck the shirt in! That’s it. You will instantly have a smaller waist and will look like a professional fashion blogger. A little trick I use to keep my shirts tucked in is to wear some spandex or tight little shorts underneath my skirt which I tuck my shirt into; this way my shirt isn’t constantly coming up.


The Maxi Skirt:


Alright that this is super comfortable and therefore very tempting but don’t wear an over-sized cardigan with a maxi skirt. It is not flattering on even the tallest and thinnest supermodel. It’s just too much flow for one outfit. You know what I mean?



Instead wear a jacket or sweater that hits right at the top of your waist. A flowing skirt needs some structure in the jacket. This will be much more slimming and I promise equally as comfortable.


The Fitted Skirt:


I totally realize that the fitted, stretchy skirt can be intimidating after having a baby (nothing ever looks the same), but they can be super cute and incredibly comfy. Wearing them with a loose, long top is not the way to pull them off, however. This makes anyone look awkwardly top-heavy. We have enough insecurities with our bodies after having kids, so I like to avoid making them worse by what I wear.



Take that loose, long, and ever so comfortable shirt and simply front-tuck it. Problem solved! It’s still a little blouse-y, you don’t have skin-tight clothes on from head to toe, but its super flattering!


Now that you’ve read through my styling tips, head on over to this fabulous blog to get even more!

Now That I Can Do

What are some of your favorite ways to style a skirt?

Love Always,


Prep for Camping with a Baby

Alright so we are braving a weekend in the great outdoors with our 6 month old. Naturally being the excessive planner I am, I’m already prepping for the trip even though its 2 weeks away. I’ve come up with a … Continue reading

Why My Husband and I Didn’t Celebrate Our Anniversary.

You might have noticed over on Instagram that my husband and I’s wedding anniversary was Tuesday; we’ve been married 3 years now. Besides that little post and each of us verbally wishing the other a “Happy Anniversary” we didn’t do … Continue reading

A Surprising Compliment

Hello Lovelies! I just wanted to pop in and say first off that all of you Mommas are amazing and doing a wonderful job at this crazy journey called motherhood (just in case no one has told you today). The … Continue reading

Fashion Friday: Instagram Round-Up

I realize that is now the 8th of July, but the weather here has been anything but summer-like so my Instagram round-up is going to be for June.

Below are a collection of my favorite looks for the month. I hope that you can use them as inspiration for your upcoming outfit planning!


What are some of your favorite summer trends?

Love Always,


Fashion Link Up: Favorite Accessories

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Hey Lovelies today I partnered up with Elle from Living in Color and Jacqueline from Stylin’ In St Louis for their #SpotlightWeekly. I’m styling my favorite accessory a statement necklace. If you follow me on Instagram then you already know I love a great necklace! It completes any outfit no matter how simple.  Read the guidelines below then head on over to their blogs to add a link to a blog post about your favorite accessory. DSC_0758DSC_0759 (3)DSC_0763 (2)

Link-Up Guidelines:

We kindly ask that you follow the two hosts: Elle from Living in Color on Bloglovin’, Jacqueline from Stylin’ In St Louis via Bloglovin’ , and our guest host (that’s me).

Use the button provided on Larissa or Jacqueline’s side bar or link back to the link-up on your blog. (Feel free to leave your links here as well in the comments section.)

Enjoy reading other blogs and make new blogger friends!

Love Always,

Road Trippin’ With a Baby

We survived our first road trip with the little one. I call that a parenting a triumph and milestone for my husband and I. Now let me be real with you and say that there were definitely a few times when I was on the verge of ripping my hair out. Here are a few things that worked for us and kept all my hair firmly attached (messy but attached).


Let the Baby Sleep and Drive

I tried to time the day with my daughter to where she would be ready for a nap when we were loading up and heading out. Our plan was to drive until she woke up and pray that we made it to our destination without a meltdown. This seemed to work great for us on the way there and she woke up just before we arrived. For the way home she wasn’t as ready for a nap and we paid the consequences. Picture a full blown “I hate my car seat” meltdown with an hour left to drive. Lesson learned: leave later with a tired baby.

Bring a Partner

Having two of us meant that one could drive and one could (attempt to) soothe baby, feed the baby or just offer moral support for the relentless screaming. Not having to face a very unhappy baby alone was seriously a lifesaver.

Have a Bottle Ready

We bottle feed our daughter (see my post on why here) and so we had a bottle made and easy to access in the car. On the way to our destination she woke up just before arriving and was hungry. We saved ourselves from an impending explosion of pissed off baby by having a bottle ready to feed her in the car. Boom happy baby, happy mommy and daddy.

Put Their Favorite Toy in Their Car Seat

My daughter has this little giraffe rattle-like toy that she finds super interesting, plus she loves putting it in her mouth (win-win for a 6 month old). This was just another meltdown prevention tactic that worked for short spurts of time. Anytime with no screaming in a moving vehicle is good.

Let Them Nap

We arrived to our destination past her bedtime plus she had been sleeping the way down so she was up late that night! Of course my daughter doesn’t know what sleeping in is so she was up at 5:30 am like usual. Now normally she takes two naps per day, morning and afternoon. The day after we arrived, however, I threw her nap schedule out the window. Instead I simply took cues from her and put her down to nap when she was tired. This provided with my happy little baby when she was awake, which was perfect because she met lots of family that day.

Overall our first mini road trip with our 5 and a half month old went pretty well. We learned plenty for the next one though.

What are some of your road trip tips?

Love Always,


But Your Baby Doesn’t Even Understand Yet.

My daughter is 5 months old. She giggles, smiles, rolls over, and kicks her legs like crazy but she still doesn’t have much understanding of the world around her. Often times I hear from friends and family “Why are you … Continue reading